15 Interesting Facts About Mobile Phones - InfoHifi

15 Interesting Facts About Mobile Phones

Interesting Facts About Mobile Phones

1. The primary (first) mobile call was made on April 3, 1973.

2. Today more people in the world own a mobile phone than a toothbrush or toilet.

3. The best selling mobile phone is the Nokia 1100.

4. Modern mobile phone has more computing power than the computer used for the Apollo 11 moon landing.

5. Mobile phones contain more bacteria than a toilet flush.

6. In Japan 90% of mobile phones are waterproof. 

7. Android is owned by quite 80% of users within the world.

8. Mobile phone radiation can cause headaches, insomnia, and confusion.

9. The person check their mobile phone about 140 times a day on average.

10. Apple sold 37.04 million iPhones in 2012.

11. The first smartphone released in 1997.

12. Throwing mobile phone is an official sport in Finland.

13. Mobile phone replaced the Watch, Camera, Calendar, And Alarm Clock.

14. The first GPS built in mobile phone released in 1999.

15. The Befefon Esc was the first GPS built in mobile phone.

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