Top 10 Apple Facts | Apple Fun Facts - Info Hifi

Apple Facts

Here we listed most interesting apples facts, that you never knew about Apples.

Apple Fruit Facts

1. Malus domestica is the scientific name of Apple.

2. China is the world's largest producer of Apple. 

3. Apple blossom is the state flower of Michigan.

4. It can takes about 36 apples to make 1 gallon of Apple cider.

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5. Apple trees take 4 to 5 years to produce their first fruit.

6. Apple tree originated in Central Asia.

7. Apple is the king of fruit in Germany.

8. Apples are fat, sodium and cholesterol free.

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9. Did you know 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away'.

10. Apples are the second most valuable fruit grown in the United States.

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