Jupiter Planet: 10 Interesting Facts About Jupiter - Info Hifi

Facts About Jupiter

Jupiter is the 5th planet out from the Sun and it's the largest planet in the solar system. Here we listed most interesting facts about jupiter that many peoples don’t know about it.

Facts About Jupiter

1. Jupiter is the fourth brightest planet in the solar system.

2. Jupiter's the largest planet in the solar system.

3. Jupiter has been visited 7 to 8 times by Spacecraft.

4. The upper atmosphere of Jupiter is divided into cloud belts and zones.

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5. Jupiter's the fastest spinning planet in the solar system.

6. The Great Red Spot is so large that three Earths could fit inside it.

7. Jupiter magnetic field is 14 times much stronger than Earth.

8. It's one of five planets visible to the naked eye from Earth.

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9. The Great Red Spot is a huge storm on Jupiter.

10. The upper atmosphere of Jupiter is divided into cloud belts and zones.

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