Jenga Facts | 10 Interesting Facts About Jenga - Info Hifi

Jenga Facts

When was Jenga invented?

Jenga was created in the early 1970s by Leslie Scott.

What is the meaning of 'Jenga'?

Jenga is derived from kujenga a Swahili word which meaning is 'to build'.

Here we listed most interesting Jenga facts, that you won't know.

Interesting Facts About Jenga

1. Jenga was created by Leslie Scott.

2. Jenga is played with 54 wooden blocks. 

3. Jenga blocks are not identical.

4. The world record for the highest Jenga tower is 44 levels.

5. Jenga helps promote hand-eye coordination.

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6. Jenga started in Africa.

7. Jenga is derived from kujenga a Swahili word which meaning is 'to build'.

8. Jenga blocks are made of wood.

9. Jenga was launched in North America in 1986.

10. Jenga is a best game for building decision making skills.

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